Darwin Debt Collection
Do you have a debt or invoices that are well overdue or remain unpaid? Has the debt been incurred in Darwin or its surrounds, then our Darwin debt collection agency can help you.

Experienced collection agency
Advance Debt Collection is an experienced Darwin debt collection agency who can help you get results.
Our Darwin debt collection agency offer a range of services including sending letters of demand, making telephone contact, negotiating payments, discussing suitable payment arrangements, account status reports and much more.
We specialise in debt recovery therefore we can save you time and money so you can focus on your day to day business. As far as costs are concerned, we are paid a specified commission rate based on the size of the debt, this means before you proceed, you have a clear understanding of our costs.
Advance Debt Collection Darwin
If you are interested in utilizing our services, check out our website and submit your details for a free debt assessment. Once your email is received, someone from our office will be in contact with you to discuss the matter. You will then be required to submit details of your debt online and provide documentation if any. From here we are good to go.
Advance Debt Collection Services
Our professional Darwin debt collection services to you include:
If after making all attempts to collect the debt, we are still unsuccessful in recovering the monies owed, the matter can be referred for legal action to Stonegate Legal. Proceedings can be issued out of the Northern Territory Local Court located at Nichols Place, Corner Cavenagh and Bennett Streets, 4 Cavenagh Street, Darwin City NT 0800.
Once Default Judgment has been obtained, enforcement proceedings can commence. If little is known about the Respondent, proceeding with a Form 47A Application for Issue of Examination Summons (Examination Summons) can be issued.
The Examination Summons is required to be personally served upon the Respondent by the Bailiff or a Process Server. The Respondent must be served at least 14 days prior to the hearing date. Once served, the Respondent must at least 7 days before the hearing date, complete the signed declaration of financial circumstances and return same to the Court and forward a copy to the Judgment Creditor.
The hearing can be conducted by the Registrar and once conducted the Registrar may make an Order for Payment by either an Attachment of Earnings Order, an Attachment of Debts Order or an Instalment Order making this an effective enforcement option.
If an Attachment of Earnings Order has been granted by the Court, once filed, an appropriate amount may be considered to be deducted from the Judgment Debtors wages.
To commence proceedings in the Northern Territory, a Form 7A Statement of Claim is required to be lodged. The debt amount must be $5,000.00 and above, otherwise an Initiating Application must be issued out of the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Once the relevant Claim or Application has been filed, the documents are required to be served upon the Respondent. The Respondent is then given days to pay the matter in full, enter into a suitable repayment arrangement or lodge a Notice of Defence if they intend to dispute the matter.
Failing this, a Form 11A Application for Order for Default Judgment can be lodged.
An alternative option would be to proceed with a Form 44A Warrant of Seizure and Sale (Warrant). Once filed, the Bailiff is authorized to seize and sell land or personal property belonging to the Judgment Debtor.
Where the property is sufficient to satisfy the amount raised, the Bailiff is required to seize and sell only as much as needed to satisfy the amount outstanding under the Warrant. The Bailiff must always sell property in priority of land.
The Judgment Creditor may also wish to apply for a Form 48A and Form 48B Attachment of Earnings Summons and Affidavit (Summons). Once filed, the Registrar will list the matter for hearing. The Summons must be served upon the Judgment Debtor at least 14 days before the hearing along with a Declaration of Financial Circumstances.
At least 7 days before the hearing, the Judgment Debtor must complete and sign the declaration and return same to Court with a copy to be forwarded to the Judgment Creditor. At the hearing, if possible, an appropriate order will be made.
The order is then required to be served upon the Judgment Debtors employer and they must comply with such order 7 days after the date of service.
Darwin Debt Collection - Collecting outstanding debts
Many useful tools can be utilised
Considering the information provided above, as you can see there are many useful tools that can be utilized to recover outstanding debts. If you have a debt that has been outstanding for some time, then give us a call today and let us help you.