Are you a creditor or business owner looking for debt collection tips and tricks to collect your debts more easily?
If so, there is a good chance that you are feeling extremely frustrated and pretty fed up with this behaviour, especially if your business isn’t particularly large and needs your clients to be paying.
This can create quite a lot of stress for business owners and can create financial struggles within companies, regardless of the size of your client base.
For this reason, it is vital that you are aware of some strategies that you can use in your business to prevent these bad debtors from starting at your business in the first place and if one happens to slip through, how to manage them when the time comes.
In this article, our Australian debt collectors will discuss debt collection tips and tricks that you can use to steer clear of those bad clients, avoid bad debtors, and how using these methods can help to improve your finances and business as a whole.
Tip 1 - Show You Mean Business
The first step that you can take in your business to stop bad debtors in their tracks is by showing all of those late payers that you are not going to put up with it.
A big cause of bad debts in businesses is owners that are a little too soft on their clients.
As much as this is quite a sad thing, people can sometimes take your lack of punishment or your sincere understanding of situations that make payments late as a pass to write their own payment terms in a sense.
This is why you have to make the effort to make it clear to clients that it is not okay to pay late. Of course, don’t let go of your empathy and/or personality and still treat your clients with humanity.
However, if someone pays a debt late and didn’t come to your prior with an issue ahead of time, make sure you raise the issue with them as soon as you become aware of it.
You may want to implement a penalty system, such as a late payment fee, to fully push this point across, but at least pursue the payment until they pay up or organise an alternative that works for the two of you.
Tip 2 - Avoid Bad Debtors by Researching Clients
Another great tactic that you can implement in your business is to research your clients before you agree to enter into an arrangement with them.
Research is always key to getting ahead in your business.
With the wonders of the modern world, there is so much information about so many people, places, and things available at the click of a finger.
Why wouldn’t you take advantage of this fantastic vessel to make sure that you are not entering into a contract with a less than reliable individual?
When you are having that initial discussion with your client about what they are looking for and what you will require in return, run a little google search on this person.
A simple google search of someone’s name can reveal a lot about a person’s character and history!
More than that, consider obtaining a due diligence report for your client. A due diligence report can reveal in detail information about an individual’s financial choices and history of debts and whether or not they consistently paid them.
It may also reveal that they have entered one or more insolvency agreements, such as bankruptcy, in the recent past.
Tip 3 - Have Management Strategies
Another great way that you can avoid having an influx of bad debts and debtors in your business is by creating and utilising management strategies that work for you.
Every business is different. What works for one may be an absolute disaster for another due to the several variables that every business will have.
This is why it is important that you find and test several debt collection strategies within your business, as well as strategies for managing those that simply will not pay.
Depending on your finances and other key details, some options that are raved about by businesses that are either larger or smaller than you may be completely unviable or ineffective.
You may wish, for example, to test some of the many ADR or alternative dispute resolution techniques used.
This can be a vital concept in your business and having a set method of managing disputes outside of court, maybe even a contracted method, can be really helpful and decrease a lot of stress!
Tip 4 - Avoid Bad Debtors by Recognising Red Flags
Another great method of stopping, managing, and removing bad debts and debtors from your business that you can try is simply recognising (and acting on) red flags in clients.
Is your client outright refusing to make a down payment? Do they have a history of non-payment or a poor due diligence report?
I don’t know about you, but these sound like red flags to us!
Although these may be some of the gleamingly obvious examples of a red flag client, there are some more discreet ones too like never answering calls or “forgetting” to inform you about changes to personal details (only the ones that you need, of course).
You don’t necessarily have to drop these clients immediately, but you could definitely benefit from keeping a close eye on them!
Tip 5 - Avoid Bad Debtors Cutting-Off Clients
Another great tactic that you can implement in your business to avoid bad debts and debtors is to simply cut off clients when you feel it’s right.
This can be a difficult one for some people, but it can be essential to saving face and cutting your losses in your company when your client is simply not willing to cooperate or pay their debts.
When you consistently notice red flags, or bad behaviours, or you have tried in vain to collect outstanding debt, it is probably time to cut this client out of your business.
Tip 6 - Debt Collection Process - Preparation
The first step towards a successful debt collection process, as with many things in life, is proper preparation.
Before initiating a debt collection process, it is wise to ensure you are adequately informed about the process, possible outcomes, and laws, especially the laws!
This can avoid potential liability or simply make sure you are getting the best possible result from the debt collection.
Negotiation is another significant concept in debt recovery, and it is important that you are aware of the process.
Although negotiation may seem to be detrimental to yourself and your business, you are generally more likely to receive the debts owed to you if you are willing to negotiate with your debtors.
Ensure you are properly prepared with the physical aspects also, such as all of the information you have on your debtor in an easy to access area, such as a folder on your computer or a physical printout, and that you have note taking materials to record all details regarding the communication with the debtor.
Tip 7 - Assign a Point Person
It is a great idea when assigning roles in your business to have an employee individually responsible for the process of debt collection.
The requirement for this position will of course vary from business to business, but if you have a company with a large amount of both man power and debtors you may want to consider this.
This way you can hire an experienced individual that will be quite knowledgeable about the process of debt collection and will know how to appropriately interact with clients and successfully recover debts.
This individual may be further responsible for performing in-depth research on potential clients and their credit/financial histories to prevent your company from engaging with debtors that have a past of late payments of debt or simply no payment at all without extensive action on your part.
It is important, however, that you evaluate whether your business can afford an employee solely responsible for debt collection, whether you would be better suited with someone who has a range of responsibilities including debt collection, or whether the role is simply not necessary for your business.
Tip 8 - Keep your Debt Collection Process Up to Date
Debt collection is an ever-changing world. In a society with new technologies being released commonly and an entirely new generation entering into debt, old processes and tools are progressively becoming out dated and ineffective.
For this reason, it is important that you are consistently reviewing your debt collection process to continue to find success in the area.
As you continue to collect debts from new and unique clients, you are bound to notice that some techniques simply do not work on everyone, and some do not work at all.
It is vital that as a business you learn from the mistakes of the past and continue to tinker with your process.
Even if a particular process works for you for years, it is likely that it will not work forever and it is important that you are prepared to update it when the time comes.
Tip 9 - Know When to Stop Trying
Have you ever had a really difficult client?
One that will just not pay your debts even after you’ve taken extensive action to ensure that they do so.
Well, as backwards as it sounds, it is important that you know when to simply give up on a client. In doing so, you will halt all transactions with said client and prevent your business from losing even more money to this bothersome individual.
Pursuing debts can take up a lot of time and cost your company significant funds that could be placed elsewhere.
If your continued interaction with the client is not getting you any closer to a recovery of debt, it may be within your best interests to focus that time and funding on clients that are loyal to your business and continue to pay their debts on time.
In this instance, you may have to refer to a debt collection solicitor or file the documents in QCAT.
Tip 10 - Keep your Team Informed
Business-wide communication is vital to a successful debt collection.
It is wise to keep a documented record of all interactions and information regarding all clients in a file accessible to all relevant employees at your company.
Tip 11 - Debt Collection Process - Be Proactive
Remaining active throughout the entire process of debt collection is vital in ensuring the successful recovery of debts.
Communication is key in this area. If you notice a debtor is late on a payment, you should email, call, or send a physical letter to them as soon as possible.
Lacking in the area of communication can make debtors think that you are not serious about the debt or that it is not a big deal if they miss a couple of payments as you are unlikely to take action against them if they do so.
This is a harmful thought to get into the heads of clients, which is exactly why open, friendly communication is so important.
This will also set a standard for future clients, as ideas and opinions on your business will spread from client to client, and you want them to be spreading accurate information that makes your business appear fair but disciplined.
Tip 12 - Keep Active
A great debt management tip is to remaining active with your debts as it is one of the best ways to ensure that you are adequately keeping on top of everything.
Businesses can be difficult to manage. Between all the things you have to manage, you may find yourself overwhelmed.
It is, however, important that you take the time out of your busy schedule to ensure you are an active debtor! Why, you make ask?
Well, ensuring you are on top of debts is simply a great way to keep aware and have them paid off in due time.
If you find yourself struggling with debt payments try not to panic and instead seek further knowledge on the responsibilities, you have to your creditors.
Once you are aware of how much you owe, who you owe money to, and other debt-related information, you can design a plan that suits your business and pay off those pesky debts.
After all, once these debts are paid off you, as a business owner, have one less responsibility as well as means to improve the credibility of your company.
The next debt management tip is to cut your business costs.
Tip 13 - Cut Business Costs
The next debt management tip is money management. Money management, as you are likely well aware, is a vital part of managing and maintaining a business.
Cutting costs where possible or necessary is a great way to engage in healthy management skills and keep your business's finances in good shape!
There are various ways in which you can engage in cost cuts across your business.
One way you may engage in this is by simply shopping around for products you need in your business.
An example of this may be office supplies or the items needed to make your product/carry out your service.
Instead of simply settling for the first product you find, you may wish to compare prices and look into buying in bulk; it can save a lot of money! You may also wish to engage in a budget to effectively cut business costs.
Budgeting, as you likely know, is the process of splitting expenses into categories and allocating spending limits to each of the said categories.
This can help you to keep track of spending and learn from past financial mistakes that you may have missed or forgotten otherwise.
The next debt management tip is creating a debt management plan to reduce the debt in your business.
Tip 14 - Find an Effective Payment Strategy
Establishing a debt management plan that works for your business is a great way to ensure you are getting the best possible results out of your debt payment and keeping on top of everything.
Debt is really difficult to manage at times, so you must be placing your resources and efforts into management that will benefit your business.
Once you are aware of the debts you have and how much you owe, it is a great idea to engage in the process of finding a debt management strategy that works for you!
There are various debt management plans that are preestablished and have worked for others in the past, but some of the most popular plans include the debt avalanche and the debt snowball.
The debt avalanche is a management plan in which you invest your extra funds into the debt with the largest interest rate.
This plan can be effective as it saves your business money by minimising the amount of interest you are paying!
The debt snowball is quite different to the avalanche and describes a plan where you pay off the smallest debt first, payments progressively becoming larger as you continue to pay debts.
This plan can be effective by potentially improving your business’ credit, minimising the number of debts to pay, and keeping yourself motivated as you see debt after debt being paid off.
Of course, you must continue to pay the minimum payments for all of your debts for both of these plans; only invest any extra money.
The next debt management tip is consolidating business debts.
Tip 15 - Consider Debt Consolidation
Another debt management tip to help you to manage debts as a business owner is by considering engaging in debt consolidation.
So, what is debt consolidation? Debt consolidation is the process of combining all or several of your current debts into one payment and can come with some great benefits!
You may be in a circumstance where your loan terms are getting in the way of debt management, and you are in need of an opportunity to find a better-fitting agreement.
Debt consolidation generally involves taking out a single loan, using the money from the loan to pay off some or all other debts, and then just paying the one debt off.
This can really simplify the debt repayment process for yourself and your business as you will only have to consider one payment rather than the various you were paying in the past.
This can take a lot of pressure off your shoulders as you no longer have to stress over the number of payments you are making and can prepare/save more effectively.
The next debt management tip is to hire a professional debt collector to collect unpaid debts and increase cash flow.
Tip 16 - Getting Invoices Paid Faster - Be Informative
One way that you can help to get your invoices paid by debtors faster is by making sure that you are being informative with each invoice.
When sending invoices, you may want to get them done and written as fast as you can. This may mean that you include the bare minimum for the invoice to be valid so that you don’t have to spend too much time on this extensive but essential task.
This is, however, not in the best interest of yourself or your business. Being as informative as you can with each invoice can both save time in the future and contribute to your invoices being paid in less time.
If you do not include all of the relevant information on an invoice, you can have a lot of time wasted by customers.
First of all, those that wish to delay payments may take advantage of any lacking information to use as an excuse to not pay the debt and request “clarification” on the invoice.
On the other hand, some may be genuinely confused and not know how to go about paying or other important factors, so may call and ask questions.
Both of these scenarios delay the payment and take up more of your time, so it is best to include any relevant information you can.
Tip 17 - Getting Invoices Paid Faster - Suit the Terms to You
Another tip to help you receive a payment on your invoices in less time is to make sure that the terms of the invoice suit what your business needs.
When you wish to have your invoices paid faster, it may seem obvious to simply state a shorter payment period in the invoice itself.
This way, your clients will be required to pay their invoices faster and you won’t have to wait so long.
Unfortunately, however, this is not always the best decision for your business. In any industry there is competition.
Businesses try to attract their clients through deals and offer that other businesses in the same field are not giving.
This is an important consideration in business as, without taking this into account, you may put your business in a position where it is losing customers to others in the industry.
For this reason, dropping the time the payment must be made in for your invoices can cause damage if you are dropping it significantly lower than the competition.
There are other ways to suit the terms to you, however, by simply ensuring that your customers know from the invoice when they are required to pay.
Tip 18 - Getting Paid Faster by Invoicing Quickly
Another way that you can get your invoices paid faster is by making sure that you are sending invoices out efficiently. This tip is quite obvious.
Of course, sending my invoices out faster will help with the time it takes for them to be paid.
Well, this tip is surprisingly underused by creditors for a variety of reasons. Creditors and business owners are commonly overwhelmed.
Between all of the clients, debts, and other responsibilities, it is easy to fall behind in various aspects of your business.
You cannot do everything at once, so occasionally some things will have to slip to keep your business open and (hopefully) thriving.
One of these things may be invoices. In order to achieve your goal of your clients consistently paying their invoices quickly, you should try to prioritise invoicing and sending out invoices on time.
This way, the terms of the invoice will begin from an earlier date, and you will likely get paid faster!
Tip 19 - Getting Paid Faster by taking a Deposit
Another way that you can get your clients to pay their invoices faster is by taking a deposit from customers prior to the exchange of whatever goods or services you provide.
Taking a deposit is a concept in business that will not work for all, but it can help to prevent payment issues down the track.
Tip 20 - Get Paid Faster - Remind and Act
Another tip for ensuring that you are getting a payment as soon as possible is to introduce a remind and act system in your business.
Debtors can be forgetful just like anyone else. Sometimes life will be a little busy and they will forget to pay their debts.
On the other hand, they may intentionally not pay said debts with the hope that you will forget about them, and they won’t have to pay.
In either of these circumstances, it can be effective for you to remind your client of their debt and their commitment to pay it.
You can do this by calling, texting, emailing, visiting, or writing to your debtor. This reminder may or may not be effective in getting your debtor to pay their invoice. If not, you should then continue to take action.
In this step, you should simply engage in an action that has more weight than a reminder legally and will show your client that you will get this debt collected.
Some ways you can go about this may be a letter of demand, a statutory demand, or legal action.
Just be sure about whatever action you take before you take it because issues can potentially arise.
Tip 21 - Avoid Client Debts - Clearly Establish Your Terms
The first thing you should do with your clients to prevent them from not paying their debts before they have even entered them is to clearly establish the terms of the agreement in your contract.
No one likes a creditor that is sneaky or unwilling to establish what the client will be required to do with the debts.
These kinds of creditors cause clients to enter into agreements with terms they are not aware of and only become aware of when they have begun payments or are penalised for disobeying terms.
Don’t be this creditor! Instead, ensure that when you initially discuss the details of your agreement with the client, take the time to go into detail and make sure that they are informed of the key terms of the agreement.
Doing this ensures that clients know what they have to do and are willing to commit to these terms and will, therefore, be more likely to follow them.
Hiding information in the fine print doesn’t help anyone! Be an informative creditor that helps your clients to understand their agreement.
Tip 22 - Avoid Client Debts - Communicate Openly
Another great tactic to avoid clients not paying the debts they owe you is to make sure that you are consistently communicating openly with them.
When a customer has a debt with you, coming across as friendly and willing to talk with them whenever needed without seeming irritated or treating them like wasted time can be great for your business. This is because the occasional issue will arise in the life of a debtor.
Just like anyone else, your clients have families and jobs and their personal health to worry about and a slip in one of these elements can take a financial toll on them.
You want to be in a position where if your client does have personal issues that affect their ability to pay their debt, they will come to you and discuss this.
That way, you can both negotiate a different payment plan or a resolution that works for the two of you. If this is not the case, the client may declare bankruptcy or insolvency before they have discussed anything with you, which may mean you don’t receive the money you are owed.
To build this relationship, always come across as friendly and approachable with your debtors.
Tip 23 - Choose Clients Wisely
Another tip that you can use to avoid debtors not paying their debts is to select your clients carefully and with due knowledge.
This tip may seem a little counterproductive. Why would being pickier with clients help my business? Wouldn’t it mean that I’d lose money?
Well, this is not necessarily the case. Making sure that you are doing some research and collecting relevant information on your client can help!
This is because some potential customers will have a history of not paying their debts or having poor financial habits that have/will affect their ability to pay.
You can do this by searching through credit reports and just the general internet to see if anything on their name comes up.
If you discover that your client has a low credit score or a recent bankruptcy or other insolvency issues, you may want to think twice before agreeing to enter a debt with them.
Furthermore, the internet can reveal a lot about a person’s character.
If you discover any behaviour on the internet that you would not like to be associated with your business, you should also think twice about accepting this client.
Tip 24 - Enforce Your Terms
Another tip that you can use to make sure your debtors are paying on time is to make sure that you are enforcing the terms of your agreement.
This one seems a little obvious, but it can sometimes be overlooked by creditors.
It is vital that if at any time you notice a violation of your terms, you follow it up as soon as possible.
This is because debtors noticing your lack of reaction to their term-violating behaviours can make them believe that you are not willing to follow up with them when they do so, and they can therefore do as they please.
This is not an idea that you want your clients to get into their heads, especially if they notice this and spread the news to other potential clients.
Whenever a debtor pays late or violates another key term of your agreement, discuss this with them and potentially penalise them for this behaviour!
Tip 25 - Avoid Client Debts - Set Up Reminders
Another tip to help you avoid your clients not paying their debts is to set up a system of reminders for yourself and your team.
In a business, there are so many things that need to be done.
As you begin to pick up new customers or other factors that increase your workload as an owner, you can easily lose track of all the things you need to do.
This is why it is wise to set up a reminder system so that you remember to invoice and check up on clients on time.
Tip 26 - Remind Your Client of their Debt
One way that you can prepare to ensure your debt negotiation works for you is to remind your client consistently, but appropriately, of their commitment to the debt.
People tend to get caught up in life. Between all the things one has to do to keep up, it can be easy to forget some things occasionally. Your debtors are no different.
This is why it can be highly effective for you to simply contact your debtor to remind them to pay the debt.
This way, you do not have to sacrifice any of your payment terms to suit your debtor if this is simply unnecessary.
Of course, some clients will choose not to pay intentionally. Consistently sending reminders to them may still be effective, however, as they may come to realise that you are not going to give up on the debt.
It also gives you a clear basis for your negotiation and may help to sway your client more towards your payment terms, as they can clearly see that you have tried to get them to pay.
Tip 27 - Establish what you are Willing to Negotiate Prior
So, your system of reminders, however, you chose to go about it, was ineffective in the way that it did not get your client to pay their debt.
If this is the case for you, it may be time for you to start taking the first steps towards a negotiation with this person as it can be the most mutually beneficial option in the circumstance.
Another great way that you can prepare yourself so that your debtor negotiation is improved is to establish a list of payment terms that you are willing to negotiate.
When preparing for a negotiation, it is important that you have a clear idea of what you want from the process and what you are willing to sacrifice for such to be achieved.
There will be terms that, as a business owner, you will under no circumstances be willing to change or modify beyond a certain point. Make this clear to yourself.
This way, you can enter with a clear head and can easily refer back to this during the negotiation to create an efficient and effective process.
Tip 28 - Be Professional and Friendly
Another great way to make sure your debtor negotiation is as effective as it can be is to make sure that you are professional and polite to your client at all times.
Friendliness can go a long way. When you meet or speak with someone and you are being treated with respect and empathy regardless of the situation, you will probably like this person and be willing to help them out.
This will likely apply to your clients, also. Simply discussing matters with them with a positive tone and a respectful, professional manner can be the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful negotiation!
Clients can be extremely frustrating when they are not paying and, especially if there have been multiple missed payments, emotions can rise, and you may be tempted to be angry or aggressive in tone with the client.
As tempting as this may be, it is likely in your best interest to be polite.
Furthermore, displaying anger or unprofessionalism can risk the reputation of your business, while kindness regardless of the client’s actions can benefit it.
Tip 29 - Don’t Negotiate Beyond Your Means
Another way to create a negotiation process that benefits both parties the best it can is to make sure that you are not negotiating more than you can.
As a business owner, there are a lot of financial responsibilities that you will have and certain payment dates and financial goals that you have to meet.
Make sure you factor this in before accepting any negotiation proposals that a client may bring you.
You may wish to do this as part of your list of the payment terms that you are willing to negotiate formed prior to the negotiation so that you can be prompt with your response regarding whether or not you will accept the terms proposed.
Regardless of how you choose to go about it, make sure you know the terms that you cannot negotiate and how far you can negotiate the ones that you can.
Tip 30 - Improve Debtor Negotiations - Communicate Effectively
Another way to improve the negotiation process is to effectively communicate with your client.
This should be done throughout the whole process of your debt but making sure you are communicating as best as you can when in a negotiation is vital.
This way, you can both be up to date and know exactly what is going on so that neither party are left in the dark.
Call and update your client whenever you find it appropriate and/or have news about the negotiation and ensure that you insist they do the same.
Tip 31 - Improve Payment Terms by Keeping on Good Terms
One way to make sure that your client is more open to improving payment terms is to keep on good terms.
People will generally be more willing to help out those who they get along with, and not so willing to help those that they don’t.
This applies to your clients! As much as a business can become frustrating, it is important that you are always friendly with your clients.
They are human and make mistakes with orders or payment details but try not to become visibly angry or aggressive with them at all! This can help your business in a variety of ways.
For starters, if you find yourself in a position where you wish to improve your payment terms, as you likely do if you are reading this article, your clients may be more open to a negotiation if you have shown them friendliness or understanding in the past.
Furthermore, having a reputation around the client community as being a kind and understanding business owner can help you to find better deals when signing on with new clients.
If you find yourself in a pickle at some point as you have forgotten to order something in, they may also be willing to help you out!
Tip 32 - Improve Payment Terms by Being Realistic
Another way to ensure that your client is more willing to help improve your payment terms is to make sure that you are keeping your requests realistic and fair.
Nobody likes someone who seems to be asking for too much. Don’t be this kind of person with clients.
Make sure that when you are speaking with your clients regarding your requests for improved payment terms that you are being very realistic and reasonable.
There is only so much that any client will be able to negotiate! Keep this in mind when you are coming to them with your potential improvements.
One way that you can go about this is by putting yourself in the shoes of your clients. This may be especially easy if your business has debtors and collects debts from them based on payment terms.
Say one of your clients came to you with a request of the same extent. Would you consider it, or would you be surprised or even annoyed that they would even think that you would accept that?
The last thing you want is to be on the bad side of a client and an unreasonable request is both unlikely to be accepted and likely to annoy your clients.
Tip 33 - Improve Payment Terms by Negotiation
Engaging in a structured, proper negotiation with your client is another great way to help them open up to a potential improvement on your terms of payment.
When coming to your client with a request for improved payment terms, consider arranging a negotiation or at least a meeting.
The alternative to this is to simply bring up the adjustment in conversation which is much less likely to work out in your favour.
Either call them up over the phone or send them an email arranging a particular time for the two of you to sit down and talk.
Once you have done so, you can come to them with your requests in a controlled and professional environment.
Furthermore, be open to actively negotiating and do not simply come up with your ideas for improved payment terms and refuse to accept any less.
Tip 34 - Discuss the Mutual Benefits with your Client
Another way to ensure that your client is more willing to help improve your payment terms is to make a conscious effort to discuss the mutually beneficial potential of the deal.
This tip can help by allowing your client to see how this exchange will not only help your business but will bring benefits to theirs also!
You may casually bring up that, by allowing the improvements, they will be helping your business to grow which means that the demand for their product will increase.
You may also mention that without the improvements your business may be required to go elsewhere or close down entirely, meaning they will lose a paying client.
However you do it, it is a good idea to mention how the suggested improvements will help to benefit both businesses!
Tip 35 - Improve Payment Terms by Knowing Who to Talk to
Making sure that you are aware of who you should be talking to about your improved payment terms is another way to help towards improving your terms of payment with clients.
When trying to negotiate the terms of your payment with your client, it is important that you are talking to the right person about your requests.
The last thing that you need is for your questions to be half-heartedly passed up to the right person from whoever it is you speak with, losing their meaning and sales pitch in communication.
Do your research on the business and find out either who the owner is or who is responsible for payment terms or customer relations.
This can pay off in the way that you can speak straight with this person rather than their employees, meaning they can personally consider your request.
Tip 36 - Recover a Debt by Contacting your Debtor
One way that you can help to improve your debt collection process and recover a debt from a debtor so it is the most effective it can be is by making sure that you keep in contact with your debtor.
Consistent and meaningful communication with a debtor can both help with the debt collection process and come with a multitude of other benefits.
Debtors can have busy and stressful lives, just like everybody else. Between the average tasks someone has to undergo in their daily life, things can get a little busy and commitments can be forgotten.
This can occur with their commitment to pay their debt to you! If you become aware that a client has not made one or more of their debt payments, the first step should be to contact them. This is easiest over the phone.
Although it is not necessarily vital, contacting a client can mean that they remember their debt and make payments again without issue.
You may avoid legal fees and such with this method. Furthermore, contacting a late payer can let them know that you are not willing to let this slide, so to speak and that you will take action on your debt if necessary.
Consistent and friendly contact can also contribute to the development of a positive professional relationship, which can act as an incentive for the client to pay their debt.
Tip 37 - Record Everything to Recover a Debt
Another way that you can help your debt collection process to improve to be as effective as possible to recover a debt is by making sure that you take the time to record everything relevant to do with your clients.
You may be asking, why would I bother? Recording all of my client interactions and details sounds like a time-consuming and unnecessary task.
This is, unfortunately, not the case!
Keeping documented information regarding key information relating to your client can have several benefits for you, as a business owner, and your business in general.
For starters, as a creditor, there is a fair chance that at some point in your career, you will come across a client that may not be the most upstanding of citizens.
Down the line, generally, once you have provided them with whatever it is that your business does, they may try to deny owing you money or having any professional interaction with you in the first place!
Keeping documents of your conversations, agreements, payments, and your delivery of the product or service, including evidence of such, can help to avoid this occurrence.
This can be effective in recovering the debt if the client tries to deny it.
Tip 38 - Recover a Debt by Staying Professional
Another great tip to help you to effectively collect debts from clients is by making sure that you are professional with your debtors at all times.
We all know that clients can be frustrating at times. After all, your customers are only people and people don’t always get along!
Clients won’t always pay their debts as the terms state they must which can be particularly difficult for you to deal with.
You may become angry or frustrated at the very least with debtors like this, but it is essential that you don’t become aggressive and remain professional!
For starters, everyone is more likely to behave respectfully to those who they, well, respect!
This means that being professional at all times toward clients can help you to build up that mutual respect, which may mean that they respect the terms of payment much more frequently!
Tip 39 - Know When to Quit Debt Collection
Another important element in collecting debts is having a developed understanding of when it is best to just cut your losses and give up.
Collecting debts can be a time-consuming task that can cost your business quite a lot of money.
At some point, the time and money lost to the debt recovery process may simply not be worth the cost of the debt itself!
Knowing when it is best to simply end your pursuit of debt is an important skill to develop.
You may be able to write off or sell your bad debts!
Tip 40 - Consider Compromising the Debt and Settling
Another great way for you to improve your debt recovery process so that you can effectively and efficiently have your debts paid is by knowing when it’s appropriate to compromise.
When paying debts, it is common for some to become overwhelmed and not know how to interact with their creditor to address their debts and, sometimes, their inability to pay them as discussed.
It is best if you are not one of the creditors that are particularly hard to communicate issues related to the debt with.
A client coming to you with financial circumstances that are preventing them from following the terms of your debt is much better than the alternative of them rather skipping town or declaring bankruptcy.
These circumstances can occasionally mean that you do not receive any of the money you are owed or at least receive less than you should.
Be willing to negotiate with your debtors. This can ensure that they express their issues, which can be used to find a situation where you are both getting what you need.
It may even improve your business reputation as clients may spread the news of your kindness to others
Tip 41 - Use a Debt Collection Agency
After all you have tried, do you still find yourself with bad debts and debtors within your business that you simply cannot seem to get rid of? Or are you looking for an easier way to manage your debts?
You should consider hiring a debt collection agency to help you with these problems!
Debt collectors are professionals in the debt collection field and will likely find much more success when trying to collect from clients.
They can also employ several strategies that can help with issues you may have within your matter, such as skip tracing to find missing clients.
Consider debt collection today and submit your debt online!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Debt Collection Process
What is the first step towards a successful debt collection process?
The initial step to a successful debt collection process is proper preparation. Before initiating, it's essential to be well-informed about the process, potential outcomes, and especially the laws related to debt collection. This ensures that you maximise results and avoid potential liabilities.
Why is negotiation important in the debt recovery process?
Although it may seem counterintuitive, negotiation plays a crucial role in debt recovery. By being open to negotiation, creditors are generally more likely to recover the debts owed to them. It's about finding a balance that works for both the debtor and the creditor, leading to a higher chance of payment.
How can a business ensure its debt collection process remains effective?
The world of debt collection is ever-evolving. It's essential for businesses to consistently review and update their debt collection processes. As they interact with a diverse set of clients, they will realize that certain techniques may become outdated or ineffective. Continual adaptation based on past experiences is key to maintaining a successful collection rate.
When is it appropriate to stop pursuing a debt from a client?
If continuous interactions with a particular client are not yielding any progress towards debt recovery, it may be more economical and efficient to halt transactions with that client. Persistently pursuing such debts can cost the company both time and money. In such scenarios, the company might refer to a debt collection solicitor or file documents in QCAT.
Why is communication crucial in the debt collection process?
Open and prompt communication is fundamental in debt collection. If debtors perceive a lack of urgency or seriousness from the creditor's side, they might assume that missing payments won't lead to significant consequences. This misperception can be detrimental to the collection process. Thus, timely communication sets the right expectations and establishes the company as both fair and disciplined.
Why is it important for business owners to manage their debts actively?
Actively managing debts ensures that business owners are aware of their financial obligations and can design a plan to pay off the debts. This not only reduces the liabilities of a business but also improves its credibility.
What strategies can a business adopt to manage their money more effectively?
Businesses can manage their money effectively by cutting costs where possible, such as by comparing product prices or buying in bulk. Additionally, engaging in budgeting, where expenses are categorised and spending limits are set, can help in tracking spending and learning from past financial mistakes.
What are the two popular debt management plans mentioned in the article?
The two popular debt management plans are the debt avalanche and the debt snowball. The debt avalanche targets debts with the highest interest rate first, potentially saving money on interest payments. The debt snowball focuses on paying off the smallest debts first, offering a sense of accomplishment and motivation as each debt is cleared.
How does debt consolidation assist in debt management?
Debt consolidation involves combining several existing debts into a single payment. This process can simplify the repayment process, reduce the stress of managing multiple payments, and potentially offer better loan terms. It involves taking out a single loan to pay off multiple other debts, leaving only one payment to manage.
How can hiring a debt collector benefit a business?
Hiring a debt collector can relieve business owners of the responsibility of pursuing debtors. Debt collectors have the necessary tools and experience to efficiently collect debts, which can improve the cash flow of a business. By outsourcing this task, business owners can focus on other critical aspects of their operations.
Why is it important to be thorough and informative on my invoices?
Being thorough and informative prevents misunderstandings and reduces the chances of customers delaying payment due to confusion or a lack of clarity. Customers who wish to delay may exploit any missing information, while others may genuinely be uncertain about how to proceed with payment.
How can altering the payment terms on my invoices influence the speed of payment?
While setting shorter payment periods can prompt faster payments, it's essential to consider industry competition. Setting terms significantly shorter than competitors might deter customers. The key is to clearly communicate the payment deadline in the invoice.
How can I ensure consistency in getting my invoices paid quickly?
Prioritise sending out invoices promptly. The sooner you invoice, the earlier the terms start, leading to potentially faster payments. Regular invoicing also sets an expectation of timely payment for your clients.
How can taking a deposit benefit my business in the invoice process?
Taking a deposit can act as a commitment from the client and minimise payment risks later on. However, it's worth noting that this method might not be suitable for every business or service model.
What actions can I take if reminders don’t result in payment?
If friendly reminders are ineffective, consider more formal approaches like sending a letter of demand, a statutory demand, or even pursuing legal action. If recurring issues persist, hiring a debt collector can be beneficial, as they have specialised skills and tools to ensure debt recovery efficiently.
Why is it essential to clearly establish terms with clients before they enter a debt agreement?
Clearly establishing terms ensures that clients are well-informed about their obligations, reducing misunderstandings and potential disputes. A transparent agreement helps clients commit to the terms, making them more likely to adhere to them.
How does open communication with debtors benefit my business?
Open communication fosters trust and understanding between the creditor and debtor. In cases where a client faces personal or financial challenges, they're more likely to approach and discuss possible solutions or payment adjustments with a friendly and approachable creditor. This reduces the chances of unexpected insolvencies and ensures a more consistent payment pattern.
How can selecting clients wisely impact debt repayment?
By researching potential clients' credit history and online behaviour, you can gauge their reliability and financial habits. Avoiding clients with poor credit scores or a history of non-payment minimises the risk of debt default. Moreover, aligning with clients whose values and behaviours resonate with your business's ethos ensures a smoother business relationship.
Why is it crucial to enforce the terms of my agreement, even if it seems obvious?
Enforcing the terms signals to clients that you value the agreement and expect adherence to it. Overlooking violations can create an impression that non-compliance has no consequences, which could lead to consistent breaches and potential financial losses for your business.
How can setting up reminders help in avoiding client debts?
With the multitude of tasks in a business, it's easy to overlook invoicing or following up with clients. A reminder system ensures timely invoicing and follow-ups, streamlining the debt collection process and prompting clients to make timely payments.
Why is it beneficial to consistently remind clients of their debts?
Reminding clients of their debts serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it helps clients who might have genuinely forgotten due to life's distractions. Secondly, it sends a clear message to clients who might be intentionally avoiding payment that the debt is being monitored. Consistent reminders also set the stage for negotiations, demonstrating to the debtor that efforts have been made to collect the payment.
How should I prepare myself before entering into a negotiation with a debtor?
Preparation is key. Firstly, outline what you aim to achieve from the negotiation. List down the payment terms that are non-negotiable and the ones you're willing to adjust. This ensures clarity, enabling you to approach the negotiation confidently and efficiently without compromising your business's critical requirements.
How does maintaining a professional and friendly demeanour influence debtor negotiations?
A professional and friendly approach builds a rapport and trust with the client. It encourages open communication and increases the likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial resolution. Moreover, treating clients respectfully can positively impact your business's reputation, ensuring the long-term success of client relations.
Why is it essential to ensure that I don’t negotiate beyond my means?
While it's essential to find a middle ground during negotiations, you must not compromise the financial health of your business. Overextending in negotiations might lead to cash flow problems, affecting the business's ability to meet its financial obligations. Always ensure you're aware of your financial thresholds and the limits to which you can negotiate.
How does effective communication play a role in debtor negotiations?
Effective communication ensures both parties are clear about the expectations, terms, and any changes during the negotiation process. Keeping clients informed prevents misunderstandings, ensuring smoother negotiations. Moreover, insisting on regular updates ensures transparency and fosters a sense of mutual respect and understanding.
Why is maintaining a good relationship with clients essential for improving payment terms?
Building and maintaining a positive relationship with clients fosters trust and understanding. Clients are more likely to be open to renegotiating payment terms when they have a cordial relationship with you. Additionally, a positive reputation can attract new clients and lead to better deals in the future.
What does it mean to be “realistic” when trying to improve payment terms?
Being realistic means setting and proposing payment terms that are fair and feasible for both parties. Overreaching requests can damage your relationship with the client and reduce the chances of a successful negotiation. Put yourself in your client's shoes and consider if your proposal is something you would entertain if the roles were reversed.
How can a structured negotiation help in achieving improved payment terms?
Structured negotiations or formal meetings offer a dedicated time and space to discuss concerns and terms in detail. This professional approach ensures that both parties are prepared and understand the importance of the discussion, leading to more productive outcomes than casual conversations.
How can highlighting mutual benefits support the negotiation process?
By emphasising the advantages that both parties stand to gain from the improved payment terms, you're showcasing a win-win scenario. When clients see tangible benefits for their business, they're more likely to consider your proposal favourably.
Why is it crucial to know the right person to approach for payment term negotiations?
Approaching the decision-maker or the person responsible for payment terms ensures your proposal is considered seriously and promptly. Discussing with someone not directly involved can lead to delays or miscommunication, reducing the chances of successful negotiation. Researching and identifying the right contact within the client's organisation can streamline the process.
How can maintaining contact with a debtor expedite the debt recovery process?
Staying in regular touch with a debtor ensures they are reminded of their obligations. This consistent communication can also foster understanding, as debtors might have genuine reasons for non-payment, such as forgetting due to busy schedules. Establishing communication can save costs related to legal proceedings and reinforces that you are serious about recovering the debt. It also encourages a positive business relationship, motivating the debtor to settle the debt.
Why is keeping a record of all interactions and transactions with a debtor crucial?
Documentation plays a pivotal role in debt recovery. Maintaining a thorough record provides evidence of the agreement, interactions, and deliveries related to the service or product. If a debtor denies any obligation, these records can be presented as proof, ensuring that the creditor's rights are protected and that they can substantiate their claims.
How does maintaining professionalism benefit the debt recovery process?
A professional demeanour builds mutual respect. While it's natural to feel frustrated with non-paying debtors, aggressive behaviour can strain the relationship. By remaining professional, you not only protect your business's reputation but also foster an environment where the debtor is more inclined to cooperate and settle their dues.
Why might a creditor decide to stop pursuing a debt?
Debt collection can be resource-intensive in terms of time and money. There might be instances when the costs associated with the recovery process exceed the actual debt value. Recognising such situations and deciding to write off or sell the debt is essential to avoid unnecessary losses.
How can compromising on a debt amount be beneficial for creditors?
Sometimes, due to unforeseen financial circumstances, debtors may find it challenging to repay the full amount. By showing willingness to negotiate, creditors can facilitate a partial recovery of the debt instead of potentially receiving nothing. This understanding approach can also enhance the business's reputation, as clients appreciate and value considerate creditors, potentially leading to positive word-of-mouth.

Advance debt collection is an Australia-wide commercial debt collection agency and credit and accounts receivable management. We can recovery your debts, conduct skip tracing, and manage your accounts receivable. We collect your debts for commission only. This means no collection, no commission. We are professional debt collectors with combined 20 years of experience to help you collect your debts. We are partnered with expert litigation lawyers with years of experience in debt recovery, enforcement, and insolvency. Under the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 Advance Debt Collection Pty Ltd hold authority number 4583821 to act as a debt collector. ADC Advance Debt Collection® is a registered trademark.